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All Star Cheer is a high energy, team-based, performance sport that is athletic, artistic and acrobatic. It involves athletes competing with a  routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance and cheer segments


Elite Cheer:

Intensity: Elite cheerleading is highly competitive and demanding. Athletes in elite cheerleading often train year-round and commit significant time and effort to perfecting routines and skills.

Competitions Elite: cheerleading teams compete at the highest levels of the sport, often participating in national competitions. They typically have around 6 competitions a year and aim for prestigious end-of-season summit events.

Skills Required: Athletes in elite cheerleading can come from any skill background, but must be willing to learn advanced skills in stunting, tumbling, jumps, and dance. They often spend extensive time training to master difficult maneuvers and sequences.

Time Commitment: Athletes in elite cheerleading dedicate a substantial amount of time to training, typically attending 2-3 practices per week. Additionally, they may attend camps, workshops, and private coaching sessions to further develop their skills. Their Season runs June-April.


Full Year Prep Cheer:

Scope: Full year prep cheerleading teams typically operate similarly to elite teams but may not compete at the highest levels. They still focus on developing skills and routines throughout the year but may participate in regional or local competitions rather than national or international events.

Skill Level: Athletes in full year prep cheerleading possess solid skills in stunting, tumbling, jumps, and dance, but they may not perform as advanced maneuvers or routines as elite teams.

Time Commitment: Full year prep teams typically practice 1-2 times per week and compete around four times during the season. They also commit additional time for training outside of regular practices. The season runs July-March




Half Year Prep Cheer:

Focus: Half year prep teams often focus on building skills and routines over a condensed timeframe. They may cater to athletes who cannot commit to a full year of cheerleading due to other sports or commitments.

Skill Development: Athletes in half year prep cheerleading still develop fundamental skills in stunting, tumbling, jumps, and dance, but the emphasis may be on basic to intermediate level skills rather than advanced maneuvers.

Time Commitment: While still demanding, the time commitment for half year prep cheerleading may be less than that of full year or elite teams. Practices may occur 1-2 times per week, with the season typically including 3 competitions. Additionally, athletes may participate in extra training sessions as needed. Season runs September-March


All programs, regardless of level, usually culminate the season with an end-of-season showcase where they perform their routines for friends, family, and supporters.

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